Monday 2 August 2010

Day 8: Saturday 12th June 2010

The last day of our holiday was spent travelling home.

We packed up and headed home via the A1 to avoid the road works on the M1 and the queues for the Download Festival at Donnington. It was a smooth journey, and we were pleased to find that everything was in one piece despite the worry about the alarm earlier in the week. Nottingham had been hit with some torrential rain and the pea plants were flooded out. Other than that, all we had to worry about was unpacking and loading up the laundry baskets.

Day 7: Friday 11th June 2010

It was an overcast morning so we were not in a hurry to head out.

We eventually headed off to Scotney Castle. We walked the grounds and I took lots of photos, using the tripod to get the best reflection shots of the ruins in the moat.

Friday Scotney 16
Friday Scotney 17

We treated ourselves to a light lunch at the castle before driving to Great Dixter to look at the gardens for the afternoon. Again, took lots of lots of photos. We found some swifts' nests in one of the barns and spent several minutes standing still and watching them fly in and out. A moment of pure joy.

Friday Great Dixter 60Friday Great Dixter 49Friday Great Dixter 56

Stopped off at Jempson Superstore on the way back to buy some biscuits, and then collapsed at the flat with a cup of tea.

While Sonia relaxed with her book, I decided to take advantage of the clear skies and headed out to take some photos in the evening sun.

Friday Rye 09Friday Rye 15Friday Rye 17

After a quick snack back at the flat, we went to the Ship Inn for a game of dominos and a couple of beers (and rums).

Day 6: Thursday 10th June 2010

Weather forecast for rain proved slightly less inaccurate, and we decided that today would be a rest day.

Eventually wandered up to Tenterden. Long High Street and lots of independent shops as well as a few of the chain stores. Some specialist shops, such as the jeweller who also makes heraldic seals, suggest a very different world from the one we live in.

Bought a Thai silk jacket for Sonia as it was a perfect fit and trimmed in her shade of purple. Bit of shopping at Waitrose to get some snacks for tea before heading back towards Rye. On the journey back we stopped off for lunch at Richard Phillips' bistro at Chapel Down Winery. Wonderful food but no alcohol for me as I still had to drive, but we did pick up half a case of their wine to bring home.

The afternoon was spent relaxing in Rye due to the weather – occasional showers – Sonia on the sofa in the flat, while I wandered off to the Ship Inn for a pint and their free wi-fi to update Facebook and check my e-mails. Settled down in the flat for the evening with the crossword, odd bits of TV and some of the food we had bought earlier for a snack.

Very heavy rain overnight, but we both slept through.

Day 5: Wednesday 9th June 2010

Forecast of wet weather proved wrong as an overcast morning gave way to hot and dry day.

We drove out to the bleak landscape that is Dungeness. At the end of the road, by the power station, we found the Romney, Hythe & Dymchurch Railway terminus and some lighthouses.

Wednesday 02

One of them is now open to the public so we climbed to the top for spectacular views over the area.

Wednesday 12

On our way back to civilisation we stopped off to visit Derek Jarman's Prospect Cottage pebble garden. We were told that his partner still uses the place and that he doesn't mind people visiting to admire the garden created amongst the pebbles.

Wednesday 18Wednesday 21

Heading north we stopped off at a holiday camp to see "Big Ears" – concrete sound mirrors from WW2 that were used to focus sound so that people could hear approaching bombers coming over the channel. The things they had to do before radar was invented!

Wednesday 26

We ended up in Hythe for a pub lunch before visiting the Romney, Hythe & Dymchurch Railway terminus. From here we took a ride on the 1/25 scale steam train to Dungeness and back.

Wednesday 31

Back to Rye to freshen up before heading out to see if we could get a table at the renowned Webbe's Fish Cafe. Luckily they could fit us in without booking, on a table by the kitchen area. We both had great meals, washed down with wonderful English wine from Chapel Down vineyard. We ended the evening with a gentle stroll back through town to the flat.

Day 4: Tuesday 8th June 2010

A wet morning, we packed our coats and boots to head off for Sissinghurst. While we were waiting for the place to open, got the message from Chris that Kate had died overnight.

Tuesday 09Tuesday 21

Spent most of the day walking round the gardens and dodging the rain showers.

Headed to Bexhill for the late afternoon to see the De La Warr pavilion, a modernist architectural wonder which had Antony Gormley's Critical Mass installed on the roof. Lots of photos.

Tuesday 49 De La Warr
Tuesday 63 GormleyTuesday 64 Gormley

Went for a cup of tea in a cafe in the back streets of Bexhill. Lots of closed shops or shops catering the the needs of the older members of the community “Zimmer clearance £10”. A repeat visit to the De La Warr for more photos before we joined the traffic queues on the coastal route back to Rye.

A quick rest and freshen up before heading to the Ypres Castle Inn for a great meal and a couple of pints.

Day 3: Monday 7th June 2010

Bright start to the day, so we decided that Canterbury was a goer. Caught the train and after a quick change at Ashfield international, we made it Canterbury in about an hour.

Sonia stopped off to buy a cardigan to keep her arms covered after yesterday's sun shine, and we pottered our way down through the town to the cathedral, stopping off for a coffee and cake break in a french cafe just inside the West Gate. Visited the Eastbridge Pilgrims Hospital. Took our time wandering around the cathedral. Lots of photos taken.

Monday 04Monday 06Monday 13

Then off to a pub for lunch – Caseys (but not an Irish bar for a change, run by Shepherd Neame). A quiet pint and sandwich. Then headed to the castle. Only the inside of the keep remained. Headed back into town, stopping off in Greyfriars garden before wandering back to the station to catch the train back.

A quick shopping trip in Rye on the way back to pick up the essentials before settling down to download the photos and type up some notes. Spent some time planning our next few days out and where to eat tonight.

Went to the Ship Inn, just round the corner and a flat walk (rather than a flight of steps up to the old town). Followed this with a stroll up Mermaid St and through the old town until we walked past the Ypres Tower (and Ypres Castle Inn), down the steps and back to the flat.

Day 1: Saturday 5th June 2010

Loaded the car and on the road by 9 o'clock. Smooth journey until hit the traffic trying to cross the Thames via the QE bridge. Spent more than an hour looking at the back of the same car until we eventually paid our £1.50 and headed off down the M20.

Got to the Boathouse more or less at 2pm where our hosts had made a cup of tea and provided a loaf of bread, milk, and some cereals. After a walk round the flat, showing us the fixtures, fittings and ostriches across the river, they left us to it.

Here's some views from the flat window taken during the week...

Sunday 34
Sunday 35
Sunday 37

Having unloaded the car, we wandered off into Rye to explore. Found the deli and grocers to buy a salad for tea, and the off licence for a couple of bottles of wine for the evening. We stopped off in the Ypres Castle Inn for a pint on the way back. Settled in to the flat for a restful evening watching Dr Who and Britain's Got Talent final.

After we went to bed, got a phone call from home at about 11ish. Neighbours who were looking after the house for us were ringing to say that there had been a thunderstorm and the alarm light was flashing even though they had turned the alarm off. Told them to use the alternative microsoft solution – turn it on and off again, then set it.

We had our own thunderstorm at about 1am in Rye but I slept through most of it.